Jumat, 08 September 2017

Free Download , by John Wesley

September 08, 2017

Free Download , by John Wesley

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, by John Wesley

, by John Wesley

, by John Wesley

Free Download , by John Wesley

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, by John Wesley

Product details

File Size: 287 KB

Print Length: 52 pages

Publication Date: November 23, 2012

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#429,988 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

Wesley approached the Calvinistic doctrine in a respectable straightforward manner leaving no stones unturned. His use of Scripture and sound reasoning appeals to the heart of God and the gospel message. How is God just to condemn most of the human race in whom He has predetermined would suffer the flames of hell, for doing only what He has decreed they would do? How is God love, who has passed over a great portion of mankind without ever giving them the ability to repent and turn to Him?John Wesley draws from Scripture the true meaning of justice and love concluding that only individuals with a free will, having the ability to choose right or wrong, blessing or curse, can only make sense to God's love justice, and wisdom. I found this to be an excellent read and one that makes sense to the entire nature of God as revealed to man. Thus, God has sovereignly determined to create a world in which all who would believe in His Son would not perish but have eternal life.

Wesley is way more loving than me when it comes to Calvanist nonsense. He lovingly refutes it. Again, lovingly. I usually just make fun of people that believe it.

I have been struggling for quite some time with the difference between Calvin and Arminian, TULIP and Free Will Having been raised on Calvinism and in recent years realized I did not really believe it: now I know why.

I was unable to read this book on my kindle because it is formatted like thiswhich is somewhat distracting and irritatingI tried making the font bigger and smallerbut it was all to no avail.I tried both versions butfaced the same problem although The KyprosPress version seemed worse from memory

I gave this five stars because I believe it to be the most thorough explanation given for holding to Arminianism. Wesley really makes one realize that the most natural reading of the Bible convinces the reader that salvation IS of the Lord and the way we persevere in that salvation will ultimately determine our reward on Judgment Day. Far from being a doctrine that teaches salvation by works, it teaches that God saves us in order that we may persevere in good works. If we do not, after we have knowledge of the truth, we will be reprobate and will suffer an eternity in the lake of fire which was prepared for the Devil and his angels (notice the contrast between this and what Jesus says about the Kingdom; it was created for the faithful before the foundation of the world, though hell was not).

I was directed to this reading while in another book, Against Calvinism, by Roger E. Olson. As I first humorously noted in THAT text, I found Wesley's thoughts on predestination to be everything but calm. He undoubtedly, and in my mind, Inarguably tears it to shreds with his Biblical reasoning.A Calvinist's nightmare, Wesley is unapologetic about the logical roads that predestination leads to.. the biggest being that predestinations allows God to damn people and takes away from his love.Calvinist, Wesleyan, Arminian, whoever - you have to read this.One thing about this book - is that the FORMAT is sometimes very distracting. The best way I dealt with is, is upsize my text on my Kindle to large, and broadened the space in the margins as much as possible.

Very thorough in citing Biblical references in context and in applying solid reasoning to his interpretation. I think he makes his case very well.

In a world where Calvinism is on the rise, this is a treasure. Sad that most preachers/churches don't know what a great scholar Wesley was.

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