Kamis, 31 Agustus 2017

Download PDF , by Clay Crosse Renee Crosse

Agustus 31, 2017

Download PDF , by Clay Crosse Renee Crosse

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, by Clay Crosse Renee Crosse

, by Clay Crosse Renee Crosse

, by Clay Crosse Renee Crosse

Download PDF , by Clay Crosse Renee Crosse

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, by Clay Crosse Renee Crosse

Product details

File Size: 1342 KB

Print Length: 176 pages

Publisher: NavPress (February 1, 2014)

Publication Date: February 1, 2014

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#834,897 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

I Surrender All is very transparent and gives great insight and advice about how to steer a faltering marriage. It is a great resource filled with practical advice.

I Surrender All is a book by Christian recording artist Clay Crosse and his wife Renee. It is a book that describes a man in the public eye of Christian ministry who has a shallow faith and slides into the use of pornography not realizing how dangerous it is to himself, his marriage and his faith.I initially found this book because it was free on kindle. I was intrigued because while some might label this "vanity press," confessing to the sin of pornography and adultery while in public ministry is not usually a vanity thing, but can be a deal breaker. I also, having spoken with many women who struggle to deal with their husband's issues in this area of sexual sin, I wanted to understand both sides of the story.The Crosse's do a good job describing the rise to fame and descent into sin, how that impacted them and what God did to bring Clay to repentance. I loved the honesty that Clay and Renee express as they share a deeply painful part of their marriage and life. I also appreciate the emphasis on repentance and that pornography was not really the "biggest sin" that they faced. That was merely as surface issue that had its roots in selfishness and not being fully surrendered to Jesus Christ.They describe their painful journey to healing and how God has led them through that process. There were no magic bullets through the pain they endured but they did not give up on their marriage or each other in spite of the pain and I find that admirable given the high rate of divorce even in the Christian church.If you want to understand the damage pornography can do to your faith, ministry and marriage, then this book is good. It reads quickly and the use of Scripture is succinct and appropriate. There is no preaching here, just authentic telling of their story and what they learned. Biblical headship and trust are addressed in how that plays out in the wake of such a painful breach of trust in a relationship. Men who are struggling with this issue could learn a lot from the example of Clay's humility and servant's heart towards his wife. It is a beautiful thing to see how God has taken what was dark and painful and brought beauty out of it in their marriage.I would recommend this book to pastors, and to anyone struggling with pornography or married to someone who is. Everyone's path may be different but I think the core issues that the Crosse's address are biblical and true and would be helpful to those who really are not even "getting it" as to why this sin I s such a big deal.

In 1998, Clay Crosse found himself on the verge of losing his music career and his family. His voice was hoarse but the doctors could not find any physical cause for his ailments. Clay grew increasingly depressed because he was hiding a dirty little secret from his wife and his fans.Clay Crosse accepted Christ as his Savior at the age of thirteen. He was active in church youth groups and music groups. He was a Christian but did not have a close personal relationship with Christ.Clay had his first experience with pornography when he was in the fourth grade. He was at a friend's house and they found the dad's collection of magazines. His involvement with pornography increased as he entered his high school years.Clay and Renee started dating and made public commitments to sexual purity, but Clay continued to secretly view pornographic magazines and videos. He didn't realize that this "habit" was taking over his life and damaging his relationship with his wife and with God.Clay and Renee Crosse share the difficult journey they experienced after Clay went public with his problem and asked for forgiveness. They both share their feelings in the pages of this book. They were committed to their marriage and they were able to use this experience to draw nearer to God and to each other.This couple is a role model for couples who find their marriage in the ditch. Clay and Renee demonstrate that it is possible to come through the storm and have a stronger marriage and a closer walk with God. They are reaching out to other hurting couples with their Holy Homes Ministry.There is hope for a better life....this book proves it!

This book is FANTASTIC! Read the one that was given to me and I bought 3 more for people that will benefit. So much good, helpful information in this book and it was a fast easy read. I'm reading it for the 2nd time because there is so much information. I feel like I could underline most of the book. If you know anyone who has a spouse who struggles with porn or lust please get this book, it has saved several marriages that I know of personally!

Unfortunately the use of pronography by both men and women is exploding and draining marriages of the emotional and psychological energy needed for marital bonding. In this book, I Surrender All, both Clay Crosse and his wife describe the devestating effects internet pornography had on their marriage and their slow and painful journey to marital wholeness. A great book for couples to read together. It allows husbands and wives to sometimes reveal their own feelings, through reading Clay and Renee's accounts, that they might never have the courage to say to one another otherwise. This is a wonderful book for all couples, and especially for Christian couples, to use in working this this growing problem.

I read the first 133 pages of this book in 2 evenings. It is a very easy read and I didn't see any distraction or smugness in the bouncing back and forth or discussions of Clay's early popularity. I think part of the power of the book is the fact that this person living a lie looked like a Christian superstar from the outside. It could be any person you see in church on Sunday morning.I especially appreciated the candor and directness of the book. I would recommend it to anyone who knows someone struggling with a "secret sin", not only pornography.

Okay book.

i d like to thank the crosse family not only for sharing about the sin that is often taking too lightely, but mainly they shared about the difference of the shallow and lukewarm christian life and their deep conversion. i live in the czech republic and there is a very low percentage of christians down here. we need testimonies like clay s and renee s to avoid same mistakes and compromises. i recommend the book. it s easy to read and captivating.

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, by Clay Crosse Renee Crosse PDF
, by Clay Crosse Renee Crosse PDF

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