Selasa, 03 April 2018

Ebook Powerful Prayers in the War Room: Learning to Pray Like a Powerful Prayer Warrior

April 03, 2018

Ebook Powerful Prayers in the War Room: Learning to Pray Like a Powerful Prayer Warrior

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Powerful Prayers in the War Room: Learning to Pray Like a Powerful Prayer Warrior

Powerful Prayers in the War Room: Learning to Pray Like a Powerful Prayer Warrior

Powerful Prayers in the War Room: Learning to Pray Like a Powerful Prayer Warrior

Ebook Powerful Prayers in the War Room: Learning to Pray Like a Powerful Prayer Warrior

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Powerful Prayers in the War Room: Learning to Pray Like a Powerful Prayer Warrior

Product details

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Audible Audiobook

Listening Length: 1 hour and 6 minutes

Program Type: Audiobook

Version: Unabridged

Publisher: T4T Press Release Date: January 26, 2017

Whispersync for Voice: Ready

Language: English, English


Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

I'm 72 years old, and during the past 35 years I have assembled and given away two Christian libraries with hundreds of books in each. I am currently assembling my third Christian library. And because of the numerous five star ratings, I thought Lancaster's book “Powerful Prayers in the War Room” would make a great addition. No so. It is (unfortunately) a rehash of other books about the Lord's Prayer, and it needs editing.I'm not questioning Mr. Lancaster's sincerity or passion for prayer, but the book is tiresome to read because he repeats themes throughout the book to the point of being annoying. (Let me be clear: God's Word is not annoying, but reading the same instructions and ideas repeatedly is.) Lancaster's two other books (Simple Worship in the War Room and With Jesus in the War Room) are not any better.If you want to learn how to pray, I recommend “Prayer, Praise & Promises: A Daily Walk Through the Psalms” by Warren W. Wiersbe, “Praying God's Word: Breaking Free from Spiritual Strongholds” by Beth Moore, and “Prayer: The Great Adventure” by David Jeremiah. These books are well organized, and they are refreshingly engaging. They will strengthen your prayer life immediately and continuously. But if you don't want to buy these books, just open your Bible to Psalms, Proverbs, and Ephesians. THIS is the real school of prayer, because you will quickly learn how to use God's Word to praise and worship Him, how to pray for yourself, and how to intercede for others.

Melvina~This email breaks my heart. I have prayed and will continue. We do not have her name. He refers to her as his wife on the back of the book. This prayer request goes up on my bathroom door frame.See you Wed. Donna HubbardEvery knee will bow . . .> From:> Subject: Letter from Daniel B. Lancaster> Date: Mon, 29 Feb 2016 19:08:10 -0800> To:>> Hi Donna,> just today I received an email from the author of "Powerful Prayers in the War Room", Daniel B Lancaster. Remember the little booklet I gave you? He is asking prayers for his wife who has ovarian cancer. We don't know him personally but since we all belong to one body, I believe God impressed in him to ask prayer reinforcement from us. And God is giving us a burden to pray also for those who bless us with their writings.> So we are Christ's ambassadors; God is making His appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, "Come back to God." (2Corinthians 5:20)>> Here's his letter:>> Hi Melvina,>> Praying today finds you blessed and your prayer life stronger. I have been blessed by so many of the reviews on Amazon and wanted to say thank you again.>> A friend today encouraged me to write you and ask for your war room prayers> for my wife. She was diagnosed with ovarian cancer three months after we left the mission field. Satan just doesn't play fair.>> This is the most difficult spiritual battle I have ever fought, and I could use some reinforcements! So, as God leads, please lift a prayer up for our family in our fight (and victory) against cancer.>> Blessings and peace,> Dan>>> P.S. In the midst of our struggle, God continues to bless the " Prayers in the War Room" book. Shortly, our publisher will be releasing it in Portuguese and Spanish, so if you have friends who speak those languages, be sure to let them know.>> Thank you Donna.>>> Sent from my iPad

I have been a Christian for more than a decade now and one of the "struggles" I honestly faced early on is how to pray. Maybe several of you will laugh or smirk at that but truth be told, many of us still don't know how to pray correctly, may it be a new Christian or an old one. This book will guide each one of us how to effectively talk to our Lord through points and samples taken biblically. We all know that prayer is a heart to heart talk with God, but let this book point out several things we may not know or remind us again of what we already knew but forgotten. Life changing guide!

I read this book in a few minutes. The hardest part of reading this book was the desire to practice the techniques in prayer. I could hardly wait to put them into practice. Thanks for the tips. God keep you.

This is my first review on Amazon, and maybe even ever.This book has changed my walk with God tremendously. I thank God for leading me to this book.The book is short and sweet and has made prayer less intimidating to me. I recommend this book to anyone and everyone seeking guidance in their prayer life.Today was the first time I prayed and it left me feeling so uplifted.All glory to our might God!

I am grateful for this book. Though it is a quick easy read, it certainly does not lack in depth or insight. Reading this has helped me to redirect my prayer efforts so that my praying is more efficient and more likely to produce positive results.Thank you!

I would recommend this book to anyone that was not sure if they were praying correctly or just need some refreshing in areas that they can't figure out. I took great personal notes and I will make sure to use for my own personal prayers as they make great sense. I will also share some inside tips with my mother and recommend her to pick up this book and to read it. I read it in literally hours.. Great reading and very informative. Thank you....

I brought this book due to I needed to improve,my prayer life. This book helped me with a lot of insight on why I felt God turn his ear from me. Ways to help fight or pray for others. I really like the fact of writing, my prayers down and wait til God answers them.

Powerful Prayers in the War Room: Learning to Pray Like a Powerful Prayer Warrior PDF
Powerful Prayers in the War Room: Learning to Pray Like a Powerful Prayer Warrior EPub
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Powerful Prayers in the War Room: Learning to Pray Like a Powerful Prayer Warrior Kindle

Powerful Prayers in the War Room: Learning to Pray Like a Powerful Prayer Warrior PDF

Powerful Prayers in the War Room: Learning to Pray Like a Powerful Prayer Warrior PDF

Powerful Prayers in the War Room: Learning to Pray Like a Powerful Prayer Warrior PDF
Powerful Prayers in the War Room: Learning to Pray Like a Powerful Prayer Warrior PDF

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