Selasa, 10 Oktober 2017

Ebook , by OKAYADO

Oktober 10, 2017

Ebook , by OKAYADO

Currently welcome, one of the most motivating book today from a really specialist author worldwide, , By OKAYADO This is the book that lots of people in the world awaiting to release. After the introduced of this book, the book fans are really interested to see exactly how this book is in fact. Are you among them? That's extremely correct. You may not be remorse currently to seek for this publication to check out.




Ebook , by OKAYADO

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Product details

File Size: 188191 KB

Print Length: 192 pages

Publisher: Seven Seas (August 24, 2016)

Publication Date: August 31, 2016

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English



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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#139,382 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

Not a surprise, Mero is a princess and she is being asked to return to her people. So Kimihito and party go with her to see that not all is better down where its wetter and that someone is trying to ruin the interspecies treaty. Then Kimihito is held at a hospital for observation because despite all his injuries, accidents and near death experiences he just pops back up like new. Lala then meets a young girl who is dying and wants to know is she should help her, with a surprising ending.This one was a fast read and enjoyable. Seeing the girls in an environment normally out of their reach is funny, and to see another side of Lala was adorable. Enjoy this one.

The new volume of Monster Musume is out and this one is another winner. Our resident drama queen Mero has been ordered home by her mother, an actual queen, and the gang tags along. They soon find themselves in palace intrigue and matching wits with a scylla named Octo. I am going to assume in the original format, Octo spoke with a regional Japanese accent; for the translation, it sounds like she's from the Deep South. We also find out where Mero gets her doomed romance fixation. If anything, Mother takes matters to a level greater than Mero ever has and it leads to a great climax. The second story stars Lala. She meets a girl with a terminal illness who takes advantage of the opportunity to speak with a grim reaper about what will happen when she dies. Lala decides she wants to do something but it might involve breaking the rules on interfering with someone's fate. Kimihito points out "From the time you first meet someone, you've already started to interfere with their fate, haven't you?" Lala's solution shows she is new at helping people but her heart's in the right place and she might just have done the right thing.

Another great entry in the Monster Musume series, also LaLa finally gets some time and she is adorable. Mero is also very good and good to see the greater world building. If you love monster girls and are a huge fan of the Musume series, buy it.However if you are not already a fan and the other volumes did not cut it for you, well this is not going to do it either.

Great series. Just as much fun as the Rosario + Vampire series. The poor guy, never gets a break.. lol The artwork is top shelf in every way, and the writing is as well. If you enjoy the "harem" style magna, this will please.

I'm a huge anime and manga fan and have enjoyed reading this entire series,been following it since volume one and watch the anime, and like it's previous volumes this one did not disappoint.

Volume 9 of Okaydo's Monster Musume prominently features both Mero and Lala on the cover and for good reason, as both girls have stories that take up a majority of this particular entry into the series. Beginning with Mero who when we last left off was about to introduce us to her mother, who we meet, and learn that the apple truly doesn't fall too far from the tree when it comes to their love for romantic tragedies. Afterwards is Lala's story, where she joins the luckless Kimihito in the hospital as he recovers from the ending of Mero's story. Here Lala meets a girl who is on the brink of death, and being a real life messenger of the afterlife, she decides to take on this little girls case herself. Only two major plots this time round, which makes the book feel more complete but somewhat shorter than the previous few volumes.As always Seven Seas continues to amaze me with their horridness dialogue choices, making what should be a simple sentence into a complex and stupid pun filled experience. I found that skimming through the text actually seemed to help, but I still recommend that anyone who wants a more literal translation of what the Japanese reads should go find one of the few groups who are doing fan translations. And don't feel bad about it, you already bought this book and supported the author, so at the very least you should be able to enjoy the true experience.

thank you

The artwork? Awesome! The story/plot line? Continuously lighthearted. The entertainment value? Priceless😅I already have volumes 1-8 in paperback but I'm tempted to re-buy them all for my kindle collection. Now on to volume 10!

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